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Ostarine (MK-2866) Ostarine has already been addressed in another blog where it is mentioned as the best among SARM supplements for muscle hardness on the market.
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Anadrol: If your goal is to add pure strength than Anadrol is the best steroid for strength to choose. Although it has a fairly high estrogenic content (which helps increase muscle and strength) it is also a very slow metabolizer which means the testosterone gets locked up longer and doesn't ever get converted to energy and hence is not as anabolic. If you want anabolic then either Phentermine, Delamid or Sustanon are your only possible options. If you want to increase libido and make your breasts bigger then Anavar is the steroid of choice. Both of these are slower metabolizers making Anavar a great choice. It also has an estrogenic component to it making it a fast one to use and hence a good choice. Phencythemethadione (PDE5-27) This steroid is a very slow metabolizer, hence it is a good choice for beginners to take into consideration. If your goal is to increase pure muscle mass then Phencythemethadione is the better choice and is recommended by many experts. It has a similar estrogenic component to Anadrol. If you want anabolic then Phencythemethadione is your only option. Estradiol Estradiol is a long lasting progesterone. It is similar to Cialis but it is much more potent and has more of an estrogenic effect. It is similar to Leuprorelin (Lupron) in that it has an estrogenic component. A good steroid to take if your goal is to boost your size then Estradiol is your steroid of choice. Related Article: