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クリプトポップ, ビットコインスロットマシン 無料 80歳. Interactive chart of historical data for real (inflation-adjusted) gold prices per ounce back to 1915. The series is deflated using the headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) with the most recent month as the base. The current month is updated on an hourly basis with today's latest value. The current price of gold as of November 25, 2022 is $1,754.55 per ounce. Gold Prices - Historical Annual Data Year Average Closing Price Year Open Year High Year Low Year Close Annual % Change 2022 $1,80286 $1,800.10 $2,043.30 $1,626.65 $1,754.55 -4.05% 2021 $1,798.89 $1,946.60 $1,954.40 $1,678.00 $1,828.60 -3.51% 2020 $1,773.73 $1,520.55 $2,058.40 $1,472.35 $1,895.10 24.43% 2019 $1,393.34 $1,287.20 $1,542.60 $1,270.05 $1,523.00 18.83% 2018 $1,268.93 $1,312.80 $1,360.25 $1,176.70 $1,281.65 -1.15% 2017 $1,260.39 $1,162.00 $1,351.20 $1,162.00 $1,296.50 12.57% 2016 $1,251.92 $1,075.20 $1,372.60 $1,073.60 $1,151.70 8.63% 2015 $1,158.86 $1,184.25 $1,298.00 $1,049.60 $1,060.20 -11.59% 2014 $1,266.06 $1,219.75 $1,379.00 $1,144.50 $1,199.25 -0.19% 2013 $1,409.51 $1,681.50 $1,692.50 $1,192.75 $1,201.50 -27.79% 2012 $1,668.86 $1,590.00 $1,790.00 $1,537.50 $1,664.00 5.68% 2011 $1,573.16 $1,405.50 $1,896.50 $1,316.00 $1,574.50 11.65% 2010 $1,226.66 $1,113.00 $1,426.00 $1,052.25 $1,410.25 27.74% 2009 $973.66 $869.75 $1,218.25 $813.00 $1,104.00 27.63% 2008 $872.37 $840.75 $1,023.50 $692.50 $865.00 3.41% 2007 $696.43 $640.75 $841.75 $608.30 $836.50 31.59% 2006 $604.34 $520.75 $725.75 $520.75 $635.70 23.92% 2005 $444.99 $426.80 $537.50 $411.50 $513.00 17.12% 2004 $409.53 $415.20 $455.75 $373.50 $438.00 4.97% 2003 $363.83 $342.20 $417.25 $319.75 $417.25 21.74% 2002 $310.08 $278.10 $348.50 $277.80 $342.75 23.96% 2001 $271.19 $272.80 $292.85 $256.70 $276.50 1.41% 2000 $279.29 $282.05 $316.60 $263.80 $272.65 -6.26% 1999 $278.86 $288.25 $326.25 $252.90 $290.85 1.18% 1998 $294.12 $287.70 $314.60 $273.40 $287.45 -0.61% 1997 $331.00 $367.80 $367.80 $283.05 $289.20 -21.74% 1996 $387.73 $387.10 $416.25 $368.30 $369.55 -4.43% 1995 $384.07 $381.40 $396.95 $372.45 $386.70 1.10% 1994 $384.16 $395.00 $397.50 $370.25 $382.50 -2.09% 1993 $360.05 $329.40 $406.70 $326.50 $390.65 17.35% 1992 $343.87 $351.20 $359.30 $330.20 $332.90 -5.80% 1991 $362.34 $392.50 $403.70 $343.50 $353.40 -9.62% 1990 $383.73 $401.65 $421.40 $346.75 $391.00 -2.49% 1989 $381.27 $413.60 $417.15 $358.10 $401.00 -2.23% 1988 $436.78 $484.10 $485.30 $389.05 $410.15 -15.69% 1987 $446.84 $402.40 $502.75 $392.60 $486.50 24.46% 1986 $368.20 $327.10 $442.75 $326.00 $390.90 19.54% 1985 $317.42 $306.25 $339.30 $285.00 $327.00 5.83% 1984 $360.65 $384.00 $406.85 $303.25 $309.00 -19.00% 1983 $423.71 $452.75 $511.50 $374.75 $381.50 -14.84% 1982 $376.11 $399.00 $488.50 $297.00 $448.00 12.00% 1981 $459.16 $592.00 $599.25 $391.75 $400.00 -32.15% 1980 $614.75 $559.00 $843.00 $474.00 $589.50 12.50% 1979 $307.01 $227.15 $524.00 $216.55 $524.00 133.41% 1978 $193.57 $168.60 $243.65 $166.30 $224.50 35.57% 1977 $147.84 $136.10 $168.15 $129.40 $165.60 23.08% 1976 $124.80 $140.35 $140.35 $103.05 $134.55 -4.06% 1975 $160.87 $185.00 $186.25 $128.75 $140.25 -25.20% 1974 $158.76 $114.75 $197.50 $114.75 $187.50 67.04% 1973 $97.12 $64.99 $127.00 $64.10 $112.25 73.49% 1972 $58.17 $43.73 $70.00 $43.73 $64.70 48.74% 1971 $40.80 $37.33 $43.90 $37.33 $43.50 16.37% 1970 $35.96 $35.13 $39.19 $34.78 $37.38 6.16% 1969 $41.10 $41.80 $43.75 $35.00 $35.21 -16.07%, ビットコインスロットマシン 無料 book of ra deluxe. 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